20 Unique Trick Questions to Blow Your Mind

20 Unique Trick Questions to Blow Your Mind 

Funny Trick Questions

What was the name of the President of the nation in the year 1995?

Same as today. He didn’t change his name after all. 

An electric train is moving north on its track. The wind is blowing from West to East.

 So in which direction would it’s smoke blow?

10 blackbirds were sitting on an electric wire. Suddenly, a man came and shot one blackbird with a gun. So, how many were left on the tree?

None. The rest would fly away on the sharp sound of guns. 

There were 12 frogs in a dry well. One day a hunter shot a frog with his gun.  So, how many frogs were left in the well?

All 12. Even though one frog is dead, it is still there in the well. 

Before the discovery of Mount Everest, which was the highest peak in the world? 

Mount Everest. It was still there, even though undiscovered. 

What is the thing that can run but cannot walk?


Without using the words ‘Wednesday’, ‘Friday’, and ‘Sunday’, how would you name three consecutive days of a week?

By saying – yesterday, today, and tomorrow. 

It is light as a feather. Yet even the strongest man cannot hold it for more than 5 minutes. What is it?


There is something that you can make which none would be able to see. Not even you. What is it?


What is it that belongs to you but you don’t use it as much as everyone else uses it?

Your name. 

Suppose you are running in a race. Now, in the race, you passed the racer who was running in the second position. So, what place would you be now?

Second. Since you passed the one in the second position, you are yet to pass the one running in the first position.

If a dinosaur comes in front of you suddenly in the night time, how would you save yourself?

No need to do it. Dinosaurs don’t exist anymore.

Suppose you have to enter a completely dark room. You got a match and entered. However, the room contains a newspaper, an oil lamp, some inflammable substances, and kindling wood. So, which one would you light first?

The match in your hand. 

What can you hold without touching it?

A conversation.

Two make a company. But three make a crowd. Then what do four and five make?

Nine. Four added to five is nine. 

What are the four days of  a week that start with ‘T’?

Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.

Ten men worked together for 20 hours to build a wall. So, how long would it take twenty men to build the same wall?

No time as the wall is already built. 

A man has 800 horses in his stable. One day, he took one shot that got them all. How is it possible?

He took a panoramic photo shot. 

Why is it unlawful for a person who is living in Oregon to be buried in Colorado?

It is unlawful to bury a person who is alive, be it anywhere. 

You have to make the number one gone without subtraction. How would you do it?

Simply add the letter ‘G’ in the front of ‘one’, you can make it ‘gone’. 

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